In Conversation with Fran Mart

Based in Edinburgh, Scotland, Fran Mart is a photographer and creative director specialising in capturing the essence of interiors and the beauty of natural environments. With a passion for slow travel, Fran spends much of his time exploring the country, working on personal projects, and collaborating with clients to create compelling visual stories.

In this article, Fran shares his morning ritual with KINTO at his studio in the Scottish countryside, discussing how the careful selection of tableware enhances his daily routine, adding a touch of artistry to his mornings.


"Rituale und Gewohnheiten sind zu einem festen Bestandteil meines Lebens geworden, vor allem, weil ich beruflich viel unterwegs bin. Wenn ich zu Hause bin, werden diese Routinen zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil meines Tages".


"While I don't have many rituals, there is one that helps me ground myself every day: breakfast. This daily practice is akin to a monastic habit, particularly when I'm in the countryside, where everything slows down, and there is time to appreciate the simplicity of such a humble routine.

I pour some granola, whip some yogurt, caramelize some fruit, sprinkle some seeds, and most importantly, brew some coffee. I sit and let the day begin, surrounded by the rustling leaves of the trees and sleepy fields of sheep."


"Ich wähle mein Geschirr nach Lust und Laune aus und entscheide mich oft für Stücke, die einen natürlichen, handwerklichen Touch haben. KINTO's NORI Kollektion spiegelt ein handwerkliches Gefühl wider, etwas, das ich bei den funktionalen Stücken zu Hause immer suche."


"In diesen nördlichen Gefilden hat das Leben einen ganz anderen Rhythmus, der uns dazu einlädt, die kleinen Dinge des Lebens zu schätzen und zu feiern.


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