Story of BONBO - Creating Fun Memories at the Table

BONBO is a tableware collection for kids and babies, developed with a wish to make everyday meal time a pleasant memory. The size and shape are not only suitable for a baby’s first meal but can also support growing appetites as kids grow.

Made of durable material, the collection is comfortable to use for both kids and adults. With a nuanced texture, the pieces fit in well in dining rooms with a relaxed style, and kids will hopefully remember the simple, unique design with fondness.


In developing BONBO, KINTO worked with product designer Fumie Shibata. We asked her about her source of inspiration and the details behind the design.

“Many parents have told me that meal time can be a stressful activity with young children, so I wanted to create something that would ease the stress and bring some fun to the table. I came up with the organic, asymmetrical shape which adds rhythm when laid on the table and counterbalances the coldness of plastic. I made the inside of plates and bowls white to highlight the color of food, and chose playful colors for the outside, but in subdued tones so they do not look out of place alongside grown-up plates. All colors are suitable for both boys and girls, and can be mixed and matched for extra fun."

Fumie Shibata

Produktdesigner, Repräsentant von Design Studio S. Arbeitet mit japanischen und internationalen Marken zusammen, um eine Vielzahl von Produkten zu entwerfen, die von Elektronik über Alltagsgegenstände und medizinische Geräte bis hin zu Hotels reichen. Zu seinen Auszeichnungen gehören der iF Gold Award (Deutschland), der red dot design award, der Mainichi Design Preis, der Good Design Gold Ward und drei Design for Asia Awards (Grand Award, Special Award for Culture, Gold Award). Professorin an der Musashino Art University. Vorsitzende des Good Design Judging Committee 2018-2019. Autorin des Buches "Forms within Forms".


The BONBO gift box was designed so that the experience of opening the box creates another fun memory. We asked Atsushi Ishiguro from creative studio OUWN about his design.

“As a gift box for babies’ and kids’ tableware, I wanted to it to feel warm and loving, with a hint of playfulness. Instead of making it pop by using bright colors, I decided to try and make it sophisticated so that it would appeal to adults looking for a gift for a friend.”


"Gemäß dem Produktkonzept 'creating fun memories at the table' zeichnete ich die Umrisse der Produkte und spielte mit Schriftelementen wie der Größe, um Bilder von fröhlichen, phantasievollen und lebhaften Gesprächen am Tisch mit Kindern zu erzeugen."

Atsushi Ishiguro

Präsident des Kreativstudios OUWN. International preisgekrönter Art Director, Grafikdesigner, Schilderplaner und Webdesigner mit Erfahrung in verschiedenen Aspekten der Planung und Gestaltung. Neben seiner Designarbeit ist er auch aktiv an künstlerischen Aktivitäten beteiligt, wie "People and Thought.(PaT.)" (, bei dem Gedanken mit ökologischen und kreativen Ausdrucksformen und Darstellungen verschmolzen werden.
