Claire and Adrien Poirrier are producers of aromatic plants and herbal teas in Brittany. Their passion for this profession led them to undertake a tour of France of the gardens of the simple. Each producer portrait is the story of a human adventure enriched by the sharing of knowledge and know-how respectful of the environment. Throughout this book, it is a question of picking gestures and harvesting methods, but also of specific taste and the art of blending. We are sharing some blending recipes that will enrich your discovery of a new vision of the world of infusions at the end of this article.

The plants chosen in each terroir are the source of proposals for associations that will allow you to create a multitude of balanced infusion recipes. Even more precise, blending recipes enrich the discovery of a new vision of the world of infusions.

“Beyond their virtues, we wanted to deeply transmit the taste of plants. Explore their potential, choose varieties, experiment with harvest stages and drying techniques to reveal maximum flavor. This path has built our goal, to make the infusion a gourmet product. " Claire and Adrien Poirrier

Linden, Lady's mantle
For a teapot:
- 2 linden bracts
- A bouquet of lady's mantle
The juice is golden and intense, the nose is honeyed, floral. We quickly identify the lime tree, the heart notes then melt into this blend as soft as a cloud. Soothing, gourmet, it goes wonderfully with almond financiers.
For a teapot:
- 2 linden bracts
- A bouquet of lady's mantle
The juice is golden and intense, the nose is honeyed, floral. We quickly identify the lime tree, the heart notes then melt into this blend as soft as a cloud. Soothing, gourmet, it goes wonderfully with almond financiers.

Chamomile, Romaine, Spearmint
For a teapot:
- A Roman chamomile flower head
- A pinch of spearmint leaves
An unexpected mariage. The liquor is amber yellow, the nose is fresh mint. In the mouth, chamomile reveals an unsuspected heady potential, which mint elegantly counterbalances. Simple, powerful, captivating, ideal to finish the meal.
For a teapot:
- A Roman chamomile flower head
- A pinch of spearmint leaves
An unexpected mariage. The liquor is amber yellow, the nose is fresh mint. In the mouth, chamomile reveals an unsuspected heady potential, which mint elegantly counterbalances. Simple, powerful, captivating, ideal to finish the meal.