Begin your day slowly in a relaxing style that feels natural to you.
Take in the warm, soft sunlight. Choose an aroma that fits your mood. Find your mind and body refreshed.
Take in the warm, soft sunlight. Choose an aroma that fits your mood. Find your mind and body refreshed.

Mayo Uchida
Independent yoga instructor with experience in winning the World Cheerleading Championship. Deepened yoga practice in India, and currently works to share yoga as a way to lead a joyful life. Also works as a yoga coordinator for the company FEELDOM which develops fitness, health, beauty, and travel programs for businesses.
Mayo Uchida
Independent yoga instructor with experience in winning the World Cheerleading Championship. Deepened yoga practice in India, and currently works to share yoga as a way to lead a joyful life. Also works as a yoga coordinator for the company FEELDOM which develops fitness, health, beauty, and travel programs for businesses.